how you can help
what we do
our partners
contact us
event calendar
The Jazz House, like all non-profits, needs
volunteers to help us reach our goals. We have a variety of needs -- providing
numerous opportunities for the community to become involved. If you would like to
help, and can provide goods, services, time or financial support, we encourage you to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you. |
Business Goods
and Services
* Advertising, Accounting, Legal Services, etc.
* Sound engineer
* Printing Services
* Furniture
* Computers for student use
* Jazz periodicals, journals & books for jazz library
* Jazz performers willing to
donate performance
time to The Jazz House for fundraisers
* Performance night aid: setup/cleanup, door, etc. |
* To make a tax deductible contribution, or
to get
additional information, contact us.
